
Welcome to the Firework TM Career Coaching Programme.

We spend so much of our time at work, but many of us are not truly happy with our current job/chosen career but don’t know how to start to do something about it. It’s a well-known fact that the people who are the most engaged, productive and motivated at work are those who are in careers that use their personal strengths, favourite skills and reflect their values.

Who is this Programme for? It’s for YOU if you can relate to any of the statements below:

  • I am unhappy/unfulfilled in my present job/chosen career path
  • I want to change my career but don’t know what to do to try and change things
  • I know there are alternative career options for me but not sure how to start
  • I have been considering starting my own business/becoming self-employed or returning to education.
  • I have been made redundant
  • I have an opportunity to take a voluntary severance package and want support looking at new career options
  • I have some ‘out of the box’ ideas to explore that could lead to a new career path
  • I have a dream job and need an Action Plan to achieve it
  • I have Outplacement Support with my current employer and want to make good use of the opportunity

What is the Firework TM Career Coaching Programme?

Firework TM, an International Coach Federation (ICF) approved organisation has developed the Firework TM Career Coaching Programme over the last 12 years which combines research into career evaluation and transition, with the skills and experience of working with a qualified Coach. The Programme gives you access to a reputable and effective tool kit that will help you to draw on your own innate resourcefulness and identify an exciting and viable new career direction.

The Firework TM Career Coaching Programme is designed in three very distinct phases, each named after the following Mark Twain quote “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream Discover”

The Template for the Programme is:

Phase 1 – Explore – This is about YOU. We take a step back; we work together to help you get a CLEAR idea of your values, life purpose, strengths, interests & passions, achievements. You will exit this phase with a very clear understanding of what you MUST have in your career to be at your best, to be your most motivated and engaged.

Phase 2 – Dream – This is a very creative phase where we generate possibilities, options, think big, think differently, allow us to think seriously about YOUR dream career.

Phase 3 – Discover – This is an empowering phase where you will turn your dreams into an Action Plan to make it happen.

What is the Firework TM Career Coaching Programme?

  • 12 x 1-hour one2one sessions usually ‘In Person’ or via Skype, Zoom or by telephone depending on your availability and location UK or internationally
  • Sessions taken either weekly or fortnightly depending on your time frame and availability to complete the in between session ‘home work’
  • The Programme tends to be of 3 – 6 months duration but can be tailored to your specific needs and time plan

If you would like to follow up your interest with a no obligation chat about your own circumstances, then please call
Elaine Rippon, Licensed Fireworks TM Career Coach
on 01477 534491 or 07974 451599
or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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